| 周易是中国传统的瑰宝! 由周易而始,衍生出八字、六爻、风水、姓名、择日等多类玄学。但由于众所周知的原因,这类玄学并不被大众所认同,甚至一概冠之以封建迷信。特别是解放后,中国传统易学的研究几乎进入“断层”期。因此我们开办这个网站的目的,在于能够弘扬祖国的易学和传统文化,对国家,使之能够为建设有中国特色的社会主义服务;对个人,则可以趋吉避凶、优化人生。 本站由易经研究学者易灵先生利用周易原理,为您提供起名、人生咨询、风水策划等各方面的咨询服务。同时也为广大易学爱好者提供一个相互交流、学习的平台。 ZhouYi Theory is the most precious treasure in China! Originating from ZhouYi Theory, several XuanXue(researches and practices on predicting people’s fate or what will be going on about a thing) prosper such as BaZi, LiuYao, FengShui, Name,Selecting Day, etc. But because of some certain reasons, these XuanXue was distrusted by the public and was even called superstitious. Things get worse after the liberation of 1949. The purpose of my opening up this website is to promote ZhouYi Theory because I am strongly convinced that it is the diamond of traditional Chinese culture. The mission of my website is two-fold: to the people, it will optimize your life; to the nation, it will benefit constructing the country. Mr. Yi-Ling runs this website to provide you with several services: Selecting name, Life consulting, FengShui consulting, etc. It’s also a good platform of learning, practicing, communicating everything about the ZhouYi Theory. |